We can always use a helping hand.

See below for ways to get involved.

How Can You Help?

How Can You Help? ⁎

Your Support Matters

At Take Me Home Transport, we are 100% dependent on donations and sponsors to fund our lifesaving transport missions. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us give dogs a second chance at life and ensures they find loving homes. Here’s how you can make a difference:

Financial Support

Your donations are crucial for covering the costs of transporting dogs from overcrowded shelters to no-kill rescues with adoption waitlists. Consider making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly sponsor to support our ongoing efforts. Every dollar makes a significant impact!

Social Media Support

Spreading the word about our mission is vital to our success. You can help by liking and following us on Facebook and Instagram. Share our photos, stories, and updates with your community to raise awareness and encourage more people to get involved. Together, we can create a ripple effect of support.

Short-Term Foster

Sometimes, we need to place dogs in foster homes for a short period of time (4-14 days usually) prior to their transport. Fostering is a rewarding way to provide a safe, temporary home for a dog in need. If you have space in your home and heart, consider becoming a short-term foster. Your care and love can make all the difference in a dog’s journey to their forever home.

Periodically there are dogs who are heartworm positive that need to go through treatment before they can leave on transport.  Treatment is provided.  All they need is a soft landing place until they are heartworm free (2-5 months usually). Unfortunately these dogs often land at the top of the euthanasia list in some shelters simply because there aren’t the resources to handle their specific need of a short term foster home while undergoing treatment.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a fantastic way to support our cause and get involved in our mission. Whether it’s helping with transport coordination, fundraising events, or hands-on activities with the dogs, your time and effort are invaluable to us. Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make a tangible impact in the lives of these animals.

Get Involved Today

Every action counts when it comes to saving lives. Here are some ways you can start helping today:

  • Donate: Make a financial contribution to support our transport missions.

  • Share: Follow us on social media and share our content to spread the word.

  • Foster: Open your home to a dog in need for a short period.

  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to assist in various activities.

Apply to Volunteer

Apply to Volunteer ⁎

Your Support Matters

By volunteering with our non-for-profit organization, you'll play a vital role in rescuing, caring for, and finding forever homes for animals. Whether you're passionate about animal welfare, looking to gain hands-on experience, or simply want to give back to your community, there's a place for you with us. Apply today and become a part of a compassionate community committed to making a difference—one paw at a time.


Get Involved



Be an ambassador for Take Me Home Transport at our fundraising events.


Help on transport day (take photos, loading the van etc.).


We are seeking support with help securing various grants.


Assist with our participation in Giving Tuesday.


Research and make connections with destination shelters.


Assist with our participation in Amplify Austin.


Join the Fundraising Events Development Committee.


Any word of mouth sharing is always the most impactful!