Texas Animal Shelters at Capacity: How You Can Help

Texas animal shelters are facing a critical challenge: they are operating at or near full capacity. The increasing number of stray, abandoned, and surrendered animals has put a strain on resources, making it difficult for shelters to provide adequate care for every animal in need. As the population of pets continues to rise, it's essential for the community to come together to address this issue and find sustainable solutions.

The Current Situation

In 2023, over 61,000 animals were euthanized in Texas, the highest in the US, nearly 10 times the national average. This represents almost 20% of the total euthanasia cases nationwide. Meanwhile, states like New Hampshire, Delaware, Washington, Ohio, and Oregon have euthanasia rates of less than 2.5%* and Northern shelters lack adoptable animals.

How You Can Help

There are several ways that residents of Austin can contribute to alleviating the pressure on local animal shelters:

  1. Adopt, Don’t Shop:

    • Consider adopting a pet from a local shelter or rescue group. This not only provides a loving home for an animal in need but also frees up space in the shelter for another animal.

  2. Foster a Pet:

    • If you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, fostering a pet is a great way to help. Foster homes provide temporary care for animals, giving them a safe environment and making space for more animals in the shelter.

  3. Volunteer:

    • Shelters are always in need of volunteers to help with daily operations, from walking dogs to cleaning kennels. Your time and effort can make a significant difference in the lives of these animals.

  4. Donate:

    • Financial contributions, as well as donations of food, toys, and supplies, are crucial for the operation of shelters. Every little bit helps keep the animals well-cared for and healthy.  All donations are fully tax deductible.

  5. Spread Awareness:

    • Use your social media platforms and community connections to spread the word about the importance of adopting, fostering, and supporting local shelters.

How Take Me Home Transport Supports Texas Shelters

Take Me Home Transport plays a vital role in supporting Texas animal shelters by focusing on reducing overcrowding through transport initiatives. Here’s how we contribute to the solution:

  • Transporting Dogs to No-Kill Shelters:

    • Our organization raises funds to transport dogs from overcrowded shelters in central Texas to no-kill shelters with adoption waitlists in other regions. This not only saves the lives of these dogs but also helps balance the demand for adoptable pets across different areas.

  • Providing a Second Chance:

    • By moving dogs to shelters where they are more likely to be adopted quickly, we give them a second chance at life and free up space in local shelters for other animals in need.

  • Community Engagement:

    • We engage with the community to foster a culture of support for animal welfare. Through education and advocacy, we encourage more people to adopt, foster, volunteer, and donate.

  • Building Partnerships:

    • Collaborating with other shelters, rescue groups, and animal welfare organizations, we create a network of support that amplifies our impact and ensures more animals are saved.

In Closing 

Texas animal shelters need our help now more than ever. By adopting, fostering, volunteering, donating, and spreading awareness, you can be part of the solution. Take Me Home Transport is committed to alleviating shelter overcrowding and providing second chances for dogs in need. Together, we can ensure that central Texas remains a safe and welcoming place for all animals.


The Journey from Shelter to Home: How We Transport Dogs to Safety


How to Volunteer for Dog Rescue Transport in Texas