Life-Saving Transport

for Texas Shelter

Dogs and Cats

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Save The Date

Join Us for an Afternoon of Fun and Philanthropy!

Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Tank Town, 805 Pecos St, Lockhart, TX

Helping Dogs in Central Texas Find Forever Homes Through Nationwide Shelter Partnerships

Our mission is to eliminate euthanasia due to lack of space by raising funds to transport dogs from over-crowded shelters to no-kill shelters that have adoption wait lists. Pulling dogs from local rural shelters and arranging for their transport is the only way some rural shelters can stay ahead of the number of dogs that come in daily. It gives the dogs a second chance at life and provides loving families with a wonderful companion. There are places in the United States that have a shortage of adoptable dogs so we are filling two needs by easing overcrowding in Southern shelters and furnishing great dogs to adoptive families.

Why We Do What We Do

Every day, countless dogs in rural shelters face the heartbreaking reality of overcrowding, which often leads to euthanasia. However, there are areas in the United States with a shortage of adoptable dogs. By bridging this gap, we address two critical needs: reducing overcrowding in Southern shelters and providing great dogs to adoptive families in regions with high demand.

How can I help?

  • Support

    We are 100% dependent on donations and sponsors to provide transport.

  • Like & Follow us on Social

    Like us on Facebook , Instagram , and Youtube then share our photos and stories with your community!

  • Join Our Team

    Want to get involved in other ways? Volunteering is a great way to help support our cause! Apply today.

  • Short Term Foster

    There are times when we need to place dogs in foster 14 days prior to their transport. Foster application.

Ways to Support a Transport


Tank of Gas

We are transporting from Texas to northern states using an average of 4 to 6 tanks of gas during a transport.

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Oil Change

Due to the milage we travel during a transport we conduct oil changes frequently. Usually each transport requires new oil change.

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